Existential Therapy
You can also consult to explore major themes about your existence: the meaning of life or the lack of a predefined meaning, existential loneliness, life uncertainty, ineluctability of death. The Existential Therapy was largely popularised by Irvin Yalom, the renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist, of whom you will find a quote below.
Loneliness or life uncertainty are unavoidable, but taken seriously, they can offer a framework for thinking about our life purpose, the limits between society and the individual, the relevance of the choices we make, etc.
These questions may appear when we lose someone, are laid off, move, divorce, face a sudden illness. Of course it is not necessary to be in a life transition to consider ones life.
“Not to take possession of your life plan is to let your existence be an accident.” Irvin Yalom
“I stare at this ceaseless, rushing crowd and imagine a time a hundred years from now. In a hundred years everybody here-me included-will have disappeared from the face of the earth and turned into ashes or dust. A weird thought, but everything in front of me starts to seem unreal, like a gust of wind could blow it all away.” Haruki Murakami, “Kafka on the Shore”.
For more information I suggest you look at my website and contact me using the contact form
The sessions are currently covered by mandatory health insurance (basic insurance). To do so, please send the following document to your treating physician: download document.
This document needs to be completed before the first session. It serves as a prescription that will be sent to your insurance.
Individuals with supplementary insurance can inquire with their insurance provider if they still cover the sessions. It is unlikely to be the case currently, even though discussions seem to be ongoing. Basic insurance takes precedence over supplementary insurance.
Individuals who wish to have therapy without a diagnosis and pay for their therapy themselves can do so and contact me for this purpose.